Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Cloud Atlas Could Be "What Dreams May Come 2"

Watching the trailer for Cloud Atlas I'm wondering how awesome this film could possibly be. The Tomatometer can't help but worry me when it's displaying 79%. After all, a film like Cloud Atlas should be as good as it is bold. 

But if I had to be a betting person, which I'm not to Vegas' dismay, I'd wager that Cloud Atlas is going to be so-so at best. Watching the trailer may be the best experience you could probably have with this film - much like The Phantom Menace was. 

I couldn't help but think of another far reaching, epic film when I saw the trailer for Cloud Atlas. That was What Dreams May Come. As a 19 year old I was blown away by the trailer and hoped that it would be one of the most amazing films I'd ever see. People were describing it as Wet Dreams May Come - for good reason. The visuals were majestic, colourful and it had Robin Williams. He was cool then. 

Then I watched the film. It quickly got destroyed by bad characters, a boring, overly complex storyline and a misuse of some of the most amazing visuals. What a sad waste of great potential.

So when I look at Cloud Atlas that's what I see. Potentially another sad waste of great potential. After all, these are the siblings who brought us The Matrix. The very first Matrix film was amazing. It was simple, incredibly visual and left the viewer hanging. When Neo is revealed at the end of the film to be The One you're already salivating for the sequel. 

Sadly, The Wachowski's decided they wanted to make a more far reaching and religious storyline for the two other Matrix films. Because of that the entire franchise was destroyed - despite what the box office says. They are as pointless now as George Lucas' second foray into film making. 

I can't help but wonder why we as an audience were robbed of what could have been one of the most amazing parts of the Matrix trilogy: the awakening. We never got to see the moment where all the humans woke up and realized that they were enslaved by robots. As a film lover I can't help but fathom why that scene didn't arrive in their heads. It's one of the reasons I am looking at the trailer of Cloud Atlas and thinking it's going to be a dud. I have no faith in the creativity of the Wachowski's and they've done little to prove me wrong. The best thing to come from V For Vendetta was the Guy Fawkes mask, after all.

So nice try, Lana and Andy. You probably have just made What Dreams May Come 2.

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